Sunday, 20 November 2011

G/L account

S_ALR_87012289 - Compact Document Journal


The compact document journal displays the data from document headers and document items for the selected documents. This report can be used as a journal and for reconciliation with the lists of account balances (accounting reconciliation). The information in the document display is divided into four groups:

1.    Document header
2.    Customer account/vendor account postings
3.    Tax postings
4.    G/L account postings

The system creates an individual list for each document status (normal documents, recurring entry documents, sample documents, statistical documents). The document status can be seen from the list heading.


You want to generate a list of documents posted by a certain employee.


GL Account Master Records, posted documents.

Menu Path
Accounting ® Financial Accounting ® General Ledger ® Information System ® Information System ® General Ledger Reports ® Document ® General ® Compact Document Journal ® S_ALR_87012289 - Compact Document Journal
Transaction Code

1.       Double click on S_ALR_87012289 - Compact Document Journal.

Compact Document Journal

2.       Update the following fields:

Field Name
Field Description
Company code
Code identifying a separate legal entity for which a separate set of accounts is maintained for external reporting purposes
Example:  5200
Fiscal year
Fiscal year number
Example:  2002
Posting date
Date that the business transaction occurred
Example:  010502 – 310502

3.       Click <checkbox> Parked documents  to avoid printing of parked documents.

4.       Click  Execute   to generate the report:

Compact Document Journal

5.       You can print this report or download it as a local file. Select List® Save->File……

6.       Choose the file format:

Save list in file...

7.       Click Enter Button.  

Transfer DAT to a Local File

8.       Update the following fields:

Field Name
Field Description
File name
Enter full path and name of your file, followed by the extension
Example:  C:\Documents and Settings\help1\SAPworkdir\journal.doc

9.       Click Transfer Button .

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